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Air fryers / convection ovens

Air fryers are particularly relevant because air fryers are how I cook all of my food.

  • My new (2023-01) favorite air fryer/convection oven is:

  • If the first amazon link is broken this.
  • This is a weirder air fryer, but this style is the only one I’ve been able to find that is simultaneously inexpensive, dishwashable (and much easier to clean than every other air fryer), large, goes up to 500° F, quick, uses no toxic non-stick materials, and has no other annoyances.
  • In general I’m retrieving my recommendations from here.
  • An instant pot is also nice to have. I use this to cook beef tendons, and sometimes stew meat or bone broth. I also like this air fryer & instant pot 2-in-1.

a filtered water bottle that is nice to use

I filter all of the water I drink. (View the contaminants in your tap water (US) here.)

  • A way to have filtered water even while traveling!
  • The best design of any filter water bottle imo
  • (The interior is made of plastic, but it’s one of the least reactive plastics)
  • I have the filter test sheet from the manufacturer, email me if you want it.
  • There’s also other models including one that’s smaller.

Under-sink water filter

Edit: removed. Maybe this link gives better recommendations?

blue- & green- light blocking glasses

  • These block both blue and green light from penetrating

safe pillows and bedding

see the safest wool pillow in the world